School Name
Harvest Collegiate High School
Principal Burch and staff members of Harvest.
Year founded
Kate Burch
Greenwich Village, Manhattan
Who we are
Because our school is right near Union Square, we are able to draw a wide range of students from all parts of the City. This means that our students reflect the diversity of New York City, both in terms of ethnicity and socio-economic background. We are in our 4th year using a mastery-based grading system.
Hallmarks of Harvest Collegiate approach to mastery
To prepare students for their graduation-level performance assessments, we developed a Gateway system in which 10th graders complete a significant task in each of the four core disciplines to demonstrate mastery of the skills necessary to pursue more advanced coursework in 11th and 12th grade.
Students are then required to participate in either Symposiums or Round-Table discussions to share their work and engage in rich, intellectual conversations with their peers and external assessors.
What makes Harvest Collegiate unique?
Our mastery system functions at two levels. Course-level goals are aligned to departmental objectives and determine whether a student earns credit in a given semester. Discipline-specific goals are tracked over 4 years and are used to monitor progress towards the graduation-level performance assessment tasks that students must complete.
How do you give feedback to students on progress and mastery?
Students can track their progress using JumpRope, and in Advisory students to use this information to identify areas of strength, areas of focus, and next steps. Advisors also use these one-on-one sessions to model how to appropriately self-advocate, particularly when a student wants to ask for additional support but has been hesitant to do so.
Grading Policy