Take the pressure off. Try giving feedback as glows and grows. Establish familiar routines. Make work relevant for students.
This guidance is useful now—among the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and antiblack racism—and always. The MC community has deep expertise in meeting students where they are, teaching the whole student, and using an equity lens on their practice, practices that are in high demand right now. The MC team has shared this expertise through professional learning sessions for more than 3,700 educators across the city. In case you missed it, check out recordings of these hour-long sessions below.
The Mastery Collaborative Community moves online. As Joy always says, “Mastery gets all the attention, but it’s the collaborative that’s our super power.”
What else are we up to?
“Turn up is both a moment and a call, both a verb and a noun.”
-Brittney Cooper, Crunk Feminist Collective
The MC community has been gathering online in monthly Town Halls to share best practices, talk through emergent issues, and support each other through this time of change.
While MC teachers have been hard at work honing their practices, students have been flexing their voices as well. The MC has partnered this spring with the wonderful Amallia Orman, the NYC Student Voice advocate, to host student voice summits. Students have weighed in on grading policy, end of year celebrations, and activism.
To stay in the loop with MC events before they happen, join the Friends of MC—you’ll receive our newsletter and be able to join events as space is available.